Puerta del Sol is a 2,700 Sqf industrial loft decorated in a warm, cozy & Down-to Earth atmosphere
We know that no one wants to stay at their desk all day and some of the most important discussions happen in the places you’d least expect…
Localiiz Hong Kong:
“Available for pop-up shops, fashion shows, photography shoots and general office space, Puerta del Sol is a brand new open workspace aimed firmly at creatives. Located in Chai Wan, Hong Kong’s unofficial centre for grass roots art,
the New York-style loft runs under the slogan, “Open Doors, Open Minds”,
and hopes to foster exactly that mentality.”
Links here and here.
The Wanderlister:
“[...] That said some of us have friends who work in these big loft spaces in Chai Wan or Wong Chuk Hang, and are completely envious of their free-wheeling artsy lives.
Well envy no more…
Now launched in Chai Wan is a new “New York like” decorated loft space about 3000 square foot large designed just for future-space-starved-free-wheelers. “
Link here.
The Story
Like the plaza that inspired its name, Puerta del Sol is an eclectic meeting point, a place to find common ground and to make new connections with people from different walks of life
Social Media
Starts at 1888 HKD/Month