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History of Coworking - a timeline

Page history last edited by info@... 6 years, 3 months ago
  • Coshare, an international coworking association launches.
  • CoworkingOntario launches COHIP, the first health care insurance program offered to members of coworking spaces.
  • Coworking spaces break the 2,000 number.
  • Denver Coworking Alliance, an alliance of coworking spaces in Denver, USA, forms.
  • NextSpace receives over $800,000 in funding for expansion and opens their 7th location.
  • Coworking Seattle changes name to Seattle Collaborative Space Alliance and expands membership beyond coworking spaces.
  • CoworkingOntario hosts its first educational conference for owners/operators of coworking spaces within Ontario, Canada.
  • CoworkingToronto launches the Passport Program, a discovery tool for those new to coworking to experience many spaces at one cost.
  • Open Coworking, an organization that promotes and facilitates greater collaboration between coworking spaces around the world by supporting projects (such as the Coworking Wiki Project) that demonstrate and emphasize the coworking core values, forms.
  • Alex Hillman launches Coworking Weekly, a weekly e-mail subscription of curated coworking news.
  • AT&T and Accenture through LiquidSpace use coworking spaces as a way to drive collaboration and offer new flexible work solutions for mobile workers. This signals to a trend where corporations could be the next growth phase to the coworking movement.
  • League of Extraordinary Coworking Spaces, a collaborative union between prominent coworking spaces across the USA, forms.
  • The coworking movement continues it’s momentum and nearly doubles each year to over  1,130 communities at the end of 2011. 
  • Coworking Europe, the first European coworking conference to share knowledge between ‘veteran’ operators and new coworking catalysts, is held in Berlin.
  • European Jelly Week, a global event to encourage worldwide collaboration, forms. It is later renamed Worldwide Jelly Week.
  • 160 coworking spaces are open throughout the world.
  • Cubes & Crayons opens the first coworking space that includes child care facilities.
  • Most major cities throughout North America and Europe have a coworking community.
  • The Coworking Visa program, a way for traveling coworkers to work at other coworking spaces, is born. 
  • The first meetups with the topic of coworking at SxSW are held.
  • 75 coworking spaces are operating in the world; starting the trend of double the number of spaces nearly every year.
  • Jelly groups continue to grow in cities like Austin, Phoenix, and San Francisco that lead many groups to find a permanent coworking space.
  • This is a break out year for the coworking movement as spaces continue to open across the world and the major media outlets start to build awareness of the movement
  • Coworking first appears on Wikipedia 
  • Citizen Space in San Francisco, considered to be one of the first coworking spaces, opened and lead the global coworking movement.
  • Noel Hidalgo and Beka Economopoulos started New York's first dedicated coworking space, at The Change You Want To See Gallery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (later re-named Brooklyn Coworking and re-located to Greenpoint, Brooklyn as of 2011). This is the oldest and longest continuously-running coworking space in the world.    
  • Jelly is started by two New York City roommates, Amit Gupta and Luke Crawford, promoting mobile workers getting together in a casual work environment. Jelly takes off in NYC and receives media attention from around the world encouraging others to start a Jelly group in their home city.
  • Coworking, as we know it today involving a physical space, started in 2005 when Brad Neuberg used the term to describe a physical space where independent and mobile workers came together to work in a casual environment. Neuberg first started the Hat Factory in San Francisco in a work/live loft.
  • 'Coworking’ was first used in 1999 by Bernie DeKoven describing collaborative work supported by computer and new technologies of the day.