About Us
Hive Arena is the terrific coworking and coliving space in Seoul. It's a curated community of creators, digital nomads & remote workers get new experiences.
We were running a cowering space for 3 years in Gangnam, Seoul. We moved from there to new area at October, 2017. We are build a community through coliving and coworking.
We offer the interesting experiences for creative and innovative individuals, remote workers, digital nomads. And we are building a curated community with like-minded people around the world.
Forbes : The 11 best coworking spaces in Asia
Community Partners
Pyjog(Korean Python Developers Meetup. Most of members hold a event "PYCON KOREA(Python developers conference in korea),
Weirdmeetup(Developers meetup in korea.), Seoul Tech Society(Foreigners meetup in seoul. They work as designers and developers in korea)
Pyladies Seoul(Women developers meetup in korea. They are interested in python and use it.), Geek Girls Carrots Seoul(Women Meetup in Korea tech industry)
Website: https://hivearena.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/hivearena
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hivearena
Instagrm: https://instagram.com/hivearena